Using a spreadsheet or index cards to manage your clients may make sense when you’re first starting out: there aren’t that many to keep track of, and the clients you do have don’t have a long history with your business. ...

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Every business owner knows that the key to generating referrals is creating a positive customer experience. When someone has a great interaction with your brand, they’re more likely to go and recommend you to their friends or colleagues. One recommendation ...

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When you think of your business’s sales strategy, you may be tempted to think of it as only relating to the actual transaction where a customer pays for the good or service you offer. However, businesses today can’t think of ...

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“The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” Peter Drucker, Austrian-American management consultant, educator, and author We live in a world where businesses strive hard to outdo each other and win customers. Enduring business success is what most ...

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Today I’m thrilled to share the story of my long-time friend and Kansas Citian John Couture who is the founder of the Bier Station, as a part of the “Amex Welcomed” program with @americanexpress, which is showcasing the people behind our ...

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Why do your customers buy? What are they looking for? Why do they convert on your site? Ask most marketers or business owners these questions and you’ll usually get a lot of very specific answers. “We have the best prices”…“Our ...

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