Is your agency ready to SCALE?
Take the 5-minute agency scalability quiz to find out if scale is possible for you!

I never thought joining a network of competitors would have improved my business. The Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network is an international network of marketing agencies and consultants committed to delivering results for clients. It was started by John Jantsch, also known as America’s most practical small business consultant. At the time of this writing, Read more “How Clients Win When Competitors Collaborate”
When I’m asked how becoming a part of the Duct Tape Marketing network has changed my business, my answer is that it has fundamentally changed the trajectory of what I was doing. Because frankly, what I was doing before as an independent marketing consultant for over five years, wasn’t necessarily a business. It was an Read more “Why Joining a Network is An Invaluable Experience”
I’ve got a confession to make: For the last 5 years, I’ve been short-changing my clients. WHOOMP! There it is! Actually, in looking back at the work I’ve done since I started Lift. I’m pleased with what I’ve achieved (with my clients, of course). I’ve had some great engagements with some really excellent local small Read more “A Shortcut to Small Business Marketing Success”
I joined the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network in March of 2017. It has exceeded my expectations and I couldn’t be happier. I really enjoy getting together with the consultants and that has become one of the things I look forward to the most. In addition, the Annual Summit is so much fun and brings Read more “The Collaboration is Pretty Amazing”
With so much complexity and speed of change in our environment, being a marketer and doing marketing for other companies can be really overwhelming, so a network like the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network is an invaluable resource to get real, practical, and proven advice from other people. Today, many marketers suffer from information overload, Read more “Tune In And Focus On The Actual Tools, Resources, Knowledge, And Expertise That You Need In Order To Grow Your Agency Or Consultancy”
The Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network has really helped me transition from a corporate lifestyle and mentality, to running my own business. I really don’t think I would have been able to accelerate the amount of knowledge and structure as fast as if I were to try to do everything on my own. It’s Read more “The Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network Has Really Helped Me Transition From A Corporate Lifestyle And Mentality, To Running My Own Business”
I want to tell you about a few things that I really love about the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network. First of all, I want to discuss the diversity. The talent and skill sets of the people are phenomenal. Since not everybody does everything the same way, when everybody puts their minds together, the Read more “The Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network Provides a Tremendous Amount of Resources”
I’d been “stalking” John Jantsch and the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network for years. But I never pulled the trigger until this year, when I finally decided it was time to get serious and shift my business from the unpredictability of project-based, copywriting work to the stability (and scalability) of strategic, long-term marketing engagements. I Read more “I think I’ve found my tribe!”
Here’s what several active members of the Consultant Network have to say about their experience as a Duct Tape Marketing Consultant. Antonio Guerrero –Â Systematic Business Marketing Having the systems, the frameworks, the templates, the resources, the tools all handed to me was an incredible help that I don’t think could be matched anywhere else. Without Read more “The Value of the Consultant Network”
My first interaction with John Jantsch was in April of 2016 at the annual Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego, CA. I had just begun my digital marketing consulting business a few months prior and, to be honest, hadn’t read his popular book Duct Tape Marketing nor did I know anything about running Read more “Growing a Profitable Marketing Consulting Practice: My First Year as a Duct Tape Marketing Consultant”
This is an easy review to write. Sometimes results in marketing are too ambiguous to quantify. This is not the case with Duct Tape University and the Consultant Network. As a successful Master Consultant, beginning my fourth year, my QuickBooks annual revenue and an outstanding P&L clearly document return on investment. Why Did I Choose Read more “Generating Documented ROI with the Consultant Network in Record Time”
September marks my one year anniversary as a Duct Tape Marketing Certified Consultant. What a great year it’s been and I have Duct Tape Marketing, John Jantsch and the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network to thank (in large part) for it. Today, we are launching a new website for our SEO services and we’ve done Read more “The Second Best Investment I’ve Ever Made”
I have been a Duct Tape Marketing Certified Consultant for about 15 months now, and I can say that it has been a real game changer for me and my business. The value of joining the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network continually amazes me. I’ve been a big fan of John Jantsch and his books, Read more “Why I Became a Duct Tape Marketing Consultant”
I first discovered the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network as a reader of all things Duct Tape Marketing, and have now been a Duct Tape Marketing Consultant for 2 years. The system immediately appealed to me, because it just made perfect sense. Successful small business marketing can be simple, but it isn’t easy. While the Duct Read more “How the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network Has Helped My Business”
I would pay many, many times the fees that I have to pay to license the Duct Tape Marketing brand because of the value that it delivers.
Consultant Stories