What Does Charm Have To Do with Business?

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Marketing podcast with Jordan Harbinger

Jordan HarbingerMy guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Jordan Harbinger – cofounder of an amazingly successful business called The Art of Charm – a business with the tagline – where ordinary guys become extraordinary men.

Now, to be fair, some amount of the work The Art of Charm does is teach guys how to meet women, but I for one believe that many of the elements regarding confidence, conversation and networking taught by Harbinger apply to success in business. How you project yourself has a lot to do with how you are heard and who you influence, whether it’s in a one-on-one sales environment or a keynote speech in front of an auditorium audience.

But, the real reason I wanted to have Harbinger on my show is that his business is another fabulous example of one built on the back of content. His Art of Charm Podcast was large and popular before he ever had training to sell.

He built a community and then built a business around their needs. Read and reread that last sentence as it is such a powerful concept for anyone starting or running a business to keep in mind.

Of course the ultimate secret to his success involves the value delivered through his products and services, but it all started with the trust built delivering solid value through his content.


Jordan Harbinger, The Art of Charm

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