Arturo SayeghGoodBizSense logo







We are a Marketing System Development Company

Marketing Systems driven by Strategy

Our focus is to provide to well-established small businesses a sound marketing strategy first and then develop and apply an effective marketing system. Thus, having the bedrock plan and foundations necessary to generate consistent results and achieve real growth.

Before being a Certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Arturo spent 9 years in International Sales & Marketing at a Corporate level and 16 years in his own successful Franchise business operation.

His sales and marketing career at a corporate level and hands-on experience on local retail operations enables Arturo to provide a friction-free migration from a common tactical approach to marketing, which usually is just a business expense, to a strategic and systematic marketing approach that represents an investment and provides an important ROI.

2240 NW 114TH Ave Unit ZM STE CCS 503612
Miami, Florida 33192-4176
(954) 228-3483
+58 424 296-5453 (Latin America)