With over 20 years of executive sales and marketing experience, I founded Dott Digital Marketing.
As Certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultants, We are uniquely qualified to grow your business.

Don’t spend another dime on tactics, consider developing a strategic marketing plan that incorporates the latest tools, differentiates you in your market and contains key performance indicators to guide you along the way. By applying a proven marketing system we call the Marketing Hour Glass, you are able to provide your ideal customers with information, education and expert knowledge that allows them to know, like trust, then try, buy, refer and repeat business with your company.

When you can attract your ideal customer, your business is more profitable and enjoyable. Your efficiency improves because a steady stream of customers that want to work with you are delighted to refer and repeat. Make your website a lead generating machine! Talk to Dott Digital Marketing at 240-619-8989, or visit: www.dottdigital.net

Dott Digital Marketing, LLC
6639 Fox Meade Ct.
Frederick, MD 21702